Shingled solar technology interconnects cell slices with conductive adhesive, eliminating solder tape welding, reducing shading area and line loss, saving space, encapsulating 13% more cells than conventional 60-type modules, and increasing power by more than 20W, significantly higher than other technologies such as half-sheet and MBB. However, the cost has to be further reduced compared with conventional modules.
According to PVinfolink, the production capacity of shingled solar modules exceeded 3GW at the end of 2018, the current expansion is expected to be about 10GW. Referring to the industrialization process of “silicon wafer diamond wire cutting” and “PERC cell”, it is expected that the production capacity of shingled solar modules will accelerate in 2019. According to CPIA statistics, the global module production capacity reached 152.8GW in 2018, China’s module production is 85.7GW. global module production capacity, the backward capacity of about 75GW, this part of the capacity in the next 5 years by the new technology quickly eliminated. Adding the new demand for modules after PV grid parity, we expect that the new capacity of shingled solar module will be 27.75/34.5GW in 2022/2023 respectively, becoming the mainstream of module market.

The advantage of shingled solar technology is to increase the light receiving area and reduce the line loss, the combined effect of the two can improve the module power > 20W.
(1) Effectively increase the light receiving area and improve the photoelectric conversion rate. Shingled solar technology uses conductive adhesive instead of solder tape, avoiding the masking of solder tape and making full use of the gap inside the module to place more cells.
(2) Reducing line loss, solving hot spot response, and strong crack resistance. The special series-parallel structure of the laminated module reduces the influence of the solder tape resistance on the module power and suppresses the hot spot effect due to reverse current. At the same time, the parallel circuit design makes the power drop of stacked tile modules linear with the shadow shading area during shading, so the shingled solar modules perform better than conventional modules under shading conditions.
In the context of declining PV machine costs, the industrialization of shingled solar technology is accelerating. Our company can custom shingled solar panel from 5w to 560w,flexible shingled solar panel and bifacial dual glass shingled solar panel are available. We can meet your customizable and high-efficiency shingled solar panel requirement.