Greece is expected to bid for renewable energy projects in June, 600 MW

Greece has a Mediterranean climate, dry in summer and rainy in winter, with an average annual sunshine of about 1800 per kilowatt hour. The development of renewable energy in Greece has been impacted by the European debt crisis, and the economic situation is facing a dilemma, which has put the trend of the whole Greek renewable energy market into silence. In recent years, both international assistance and domestic economic reform have led Greece to recovery. The Greek Energy Agency also set a target of 32.3% of renewable energy power generation by 2030 in the 2019 national energy and climate plan, which is expected to stimulate the development of the industry.

According to energypress, Greece is expected to bid for about 600 MW of renewable power generation capacity in June, which will be the first competitive option under its new renewable energy support program.

The terms of the upcoming bidding round have not been finalized and will be announced at the end of April. According to the report, the national energy regulatory authority (RAE) is drafting an opinion, which will be reviewed by other relevant departments before the ministerial decision is issued.

Capacity will be allocated to onshore wind and photovoltaic (PV) schemes during the hybrid competition, with at least 30% of each technology retained. It is speculated that the target capacity may increase.

The funds for the winning project will be paid by the Greek national assistance program, which supports the power generation of renewable energy and efficient cogeneration (CHP) power plants. The plan was approved by the European Commission (EC) in November 2021 and will be open to 2025, providing about 4.2 GW of funds through a 20-year contract.

Energypress wrote that the target of the second renewable energy auction is expected to be announced in October and the selection will be held in early 2023.

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