0.2 ¥/W premium! N-type modules open a new era of photovoltaic

In recent years, PERC cell efficiency space is gradually exhausted, in the background of rising costs of materials, transportation, land, etc., further improve the conversion efficiency, reduce system costs, accelerate N-type technology iteration and upgrade, is becoming the first choice for PV companies to occupy the competitive advantage of the industry chain.

The reason for the existence of a larger premium for high-quality N-type than P-type modules is that N-type modules can increase power generation for the project while replacing P-type modules, and can also save costs for customers, ultimately achieving the purpose of cost reduction and efficiency. This is mainly due to the following two reasons.

A.More than 3% increase in power generation

Based on empirical data, N-type modules generate more than 3% more electricity than P-type modules under most of the same conditions. According to the IRR calculation, assuming the IRR value remains the same, a 3% increase in power generation will increase the module cost by 0.14-0.15 ¥/W (based on a benchmark in the same model, the module price will be adjusted by a 3% increase in power generation on the benchmark). In areas with high temperatures and better ground reflectivity, the increase in power generation is much greater than 3%, and the cost of the modules has more room to fluctuate.

B.System Cost Savings

For the same size module version, the N-module is 15-20 watts more powerful than the P-module on a single module. This means a 2.67% increase in power. In a 100 MW power plant, for example, the higher power of a single module reduces the number of modules used in the entire plant, which effectively saves on bracket costs, bracket installation costs, cable costs, module installation costs, land area, etc. (see Table 1). A 2.67% increase in efficiency can save at least 0.04 ¥/W in EPC costs in addition to modules.

Combined, N-type modules are shown by the power generation and power increase and the cost savings in addition to the module floating range add up to at least 0.2 ¥/W, even higher in areas with good irradiation and high albedo.

From the customer’s point of view, the internal rate of return is a very important indicator.

The following data quantifies the change in internal rate of return (IRR) when comparing N-type components with P-type components when there is a price difference, according to its own calculation model.

From the above table, we can conclude that:

If the N-type module is the same price as the P-type module, then it can bring 0.59% IRR improvement to the project.

If the N module is 0.1 ¥/W more expensive than the P module, then the IRR of the project will be increased by 0.28%.

If the N-type module is 0.2 ¥/W more expensive than the P-type module, the IRR value of the project is equal.

Conclusion: After actual calculations, if the N-type module is 0.2 ¥/W more expensive than the P-type module, it can still bring the same IRR to the project.