Depending on the type of installation and the specific requirements of the project, there are several ways to install solar modules. Here are some commonly used methods:
1. Solar roof mounting installation: Solar modules are installed directly on the roof of the building using various types of mounting systems. This can include sloping roof mounting systems, where modules are mounted on the roof at an angle, or flat-top mounting systems, where modules are mounted on racks or frames to optimize tilt angles.

2. Solar Ground mounting installation: If the solar installation is not on the roof, use the ground mount system. These systems include mounting solar modules on racks or frames that are fixed to the ground. Ground-mounted systems are often used in large-scale solar installations, such as solar farms or commercial projects.

3.Pole Mounting installation: Solar modules can be mounted on poles or lamp posts using a specific pole mounting system. This method is usually used for street lighting, parking lot lighting.
Welcome to consult us for a variety of different solar bracket types, contractors, builders are welcome to send drawing for customization, we can also open molds to design cost-effective solar mounting structure .